Excellent post! My first couple of trips to Peru, I must have heard the "Peru has x,xxx number of potatoes" quote fifty time. I think 4,000 was the number most quoted. LOL.


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Lovely photos! Unfortunately I get shy and nervous at markets, even in my home country, so I tend to skip them when abroad (especially when traveling alone as a blond-enough woman). Once, during one of the few times I did go (in Singapore, I think..?), I successfully haggled for the first and only time of my life. I had actually just changed my mind and truly had no more desire to buy the item, but every time I said 'no, really, never mind, thank you' the guy kept bargaining and ultimately I caved because a) I didn't know how else to stop the transaction and b) the price was now actually really good. Still, I mostly avoid markets.

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